i tried to search for a plugin that could do my job done but couldnt find any
the most helpful one was the ShowHideComments of José Lopes but it does hides the whole block of comments.
So i thought that i could search a bit and see how this plugin could suit my needs.
I m not a programmer and know nothing of javascript and only a bit of PHP that why i want, if anyone is interested, to test it and see the code cause i m not sure if i m on the right path.
what i ve done is made a plugin named collapsiblecomments which shows the excerpt of comments and by demand expand the comments you want to read inline one by one
You can download the plugin from my blog from this link and here is the code if anyone could suggest something better:
function collapsiblecomments () {
echo "<div id=\"id\" align=\"left\">";
echo "<a href=\"#comment-", comment_ID(), "\"> </a></div><font color=\"#808080\">Comment Excerpt:</font>", comment_excerpt();
/* And a bit of CSS around */
echo "<style type=\"text/css\">";
echo ".text{display: none;}";
/* echo "#text{display: block;}; */
echo "</style>";
/* End of CSS block */
/* And there is where the Javascript Starts */
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">";
Global "swap" holder
Use value, null, if no layer initially visible
echo "
var currlayerid = \"id\";
function togLayer(id)
if(currlayerid) setDisplay(currlayerid, \"none\");
if(id)setDisplay(id, \"block\");
currlayerid = id;
function setDisplay(id,value)
var elm = document.getElementById(id);
elm.style.display = value;
/* And there is where the Javascript ends */
/* step 1. Open a table for the FULL Comment */
echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"6\" border=\"1\" bordercolor=\"#4e5706\"><tr><td>";
/* And the code for toggle the comments starts here */
echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"togLayer('", comment_ID(), "');return false;\">Read the FULL comment</a>
/* step 2. Show the FULL Comment (if u want) */
echo "<div id=\"", comment_ID(), "\" class=\"text\"><font color=\"#CC000\">FULL:</font>", comment_text(), "</div>";
/* Now close the FULL Comment */
echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"togLayer(null)\">Close Comment</a>";
/* And the code for toggle the comments ends here */
/* Step 3. Close the FULL comment table now */
echo "</td></tr></table></p>";