• Hi,

    The plugin should complete update and change how is it function:

    By now, here is plugin logic:
    A hair: black vs B hair: Black ==> Match (wrong)
    ==> Because people need match there interested, not the same body or knowlege, etc…

    Here is how update:
    1) Button add new

    2) Add new will appear:
    Collum 1: Choose xprofile fields –> I choose: I’m a men
    Collum 2: choose xprofile feilds –> I choose: I’m women
    ==> Condition: Difference
    ===> Allow match: 10%

    3) I continue, add new
    Collum 1: Choose xprofile fields hair color
    –> In Hair color: On viewed user choosed black (his hair color)
    Collum 2: choose xprofile feilds interetsed in hair color
    –> interetsed in hair color: This logged in user choose black, blone, red
    ==> Condition: Match any — as you see black was match with black of interested
    ===> Allow match: 10%

    SO ON…
    The main setting is:
    ==> choose feilds vs feilds to count match
    ==> choose condition, same or difference string
    ==> score

    So user must be smart given 10 option match ==> each 10%,
    or 5 options match ==> each 20%
    or 4 options match==> 10% 20& 20% 50%
    Depends on them

    I hope it clear.
    Can you please change the logic compare?

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