I was really impressed with this theme at the beginning. I thought that my site looked really nice after tweaking things in the customizer. I was almost ready to fork out some money to purchase Make Plus. In fact it is one of the nicest looking themes I’ve ever seen!
Then I started running into multiple problems to the point that I think I actually now despise this theme and WordPress altogether.
1) My site title reads on one line on a PC screen but on a mobile phone it looks like garbage as it is on 3 lines.
2) My post titles look the same on a mobile phone, they are on several lines and it simply does not look good.
3) For reasons unknown to me I am unable to remove the right sidebar even if I removed the checkmark for ‘Show right sidebar’ in the customizer. It actually shows it removing the right sidebar in the live preview but on the online site is doesn’t remove and the right sidebar remains there. Even when I remove all the widgets from the right sidebar, it just remains there as white space.
4) In the customizer I added the ‘Comment Count’ to the top of posts by selecting ‘show icon’ for ‘Comment Count’, and once again in the live preview the ‘Comment Count icon’ appears but on my online site it does not.
5) I am using two pages based on categories so that I can publish separate posts to each page, one for podcasts and one for videos. I followed the WordPress instructions for setting this up to be able to do that (publish posts to different pages). However, there is no option to remove the ‘next and previous post links’ below the post, so if I publish a post onto the podcast page, there is a link below to a post that is on the videos page. That’s not good because they are not related! And it shouldn’t be so complicated to simply have a menu option to remove the ‘next and previous post links’. UPDATE: I removed a line of code in the editor and the ‘previous and next post links’ are now gone. Hopefully that doesn’t screw something else up on the site. Interestingly the description for the Make theme opens with ”Create your website without touching a line of code”. And what did I have to do? I had to delete a line of code. Not good! Again, there should be a simple menu option for this, especially if posts are not related or are on different pages under different categories.
6) I installed TubePress plugin which seems to work for everybody using every other theme. Didn’t work with the Make theme though.
In the end I’m quite disappointed in the limitations of WordPress. I’m even more than disappointed with the problems I’ve encountered so far with the Make theme.