• Remember Goldilocks? She chose the porridge that wasn’t too hot or too cold but was just right. There are WordPress plugins for everything, and people know to stay away from those that are deprecated. The problem is that even for those that are kept current, sometimes the developer doesn’t provide adequate support. At the opposite extreme are developers that are so big that you deal with a different support person every time, many of whom are independent contractors that don’t know the product as well as others. FunnelKit is big enough to have a full team of their own support engineers, but small enough that they make sure all their people are VERY well trained, know the product THOROUGHLY, and ?provide THE BEST support.? They got it “Just Right” with a spectacular product that has features and gold star support their competitors don’t. I’d give them 10 stars if I could.

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 4 weeks ago by gshepard.
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