• Resolved SoloAnt


    Hi there, I’m trying to get this plugin set up to redirect for the events archive page.

    When I have these conditions set in the plugin and I go to the events archive page it shows a blank page and won’t redirect to the login page. If I set the homepage to the main event page and add “the home page” condition then test the homepage, I still get a blank page with no redirection.

    I have the redirect working for any event category though, it’s only the events archive page giving me issues no matter any workarounds that I try.

    Any know problems using this plugin with The Event Calendar Pro? I’m not finding anything, so I’m hoping to find some clarity here.

    Thank you,

    Event Archive is avalible from the settings:

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  • Thread Starter SoloAnt


    Hi, @mlchaves checking in on this, do you happen to know anything about the above by chance?


    Plugin Support mark l chaves


    Hey @soloant,

    Thanks so much for the follow-up and sorry for the delay.

    I can reproduce the blank page issue using The Events Calendar free version.

    We’ll need to have a closer look to figure out what’s happening.

    Sorry for the inconvenience. We’ll keep you posted.


    Thread Starter SoloAnt


    Hi @mlchaves, thank you for the reply, no worries about the delay.

    I’m hoping we can get this working soon, I’m not having any luck with other options at the moment either and I’m getting closer to launching my project.

    By chance do you have a timeframe for being able to dig into this? I know it’s a free plugin and support is completely on your time, and I definitely appreciate and understand your time.

    If there is a paid way to speed up the support, please let me know and I can see what I can do if that might work better for you.

    Thank you again,

    Plugin Support mark l chaves


    Hey @soloant,

    We’re still looking into the issue. We haven’t narrowed it down yet. Once we do, we should be able to get you a recommendation.

    In the meantime, can you try using shortcodes instead of creating a restriction rule?

    1) That means, you’d need to delete your Content Control restriction for the Events page.

    2) Then, create a new page with the following shortcodes.

    [content_control logged_out="0" message="Testing: You don’t have access to this.”][tribe_events_list][/content_control]

    Note that the [tribe_events_list] shortcode works only for the pro version, but you say you have that.

    Let us know how that goes.

    Thread Starter SoloAnt


    Hi @mlchaves I’ve added and tested the shortcode, see the two screenshots below. I tested with my current theme as well as 2021 and had the same results. Are these the results you were thinking of? I do have the pro version as well as deleted the restriction I originally set up.

    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2
    Please let me know your thoughts.

    Thanks, talk soon,

    Plugin Support mark l chaves


    Hey @soloant,

    Thanks for giving the shortcode option a try!

    Are these the results you were thinking of?

    We need to know the shortcodes you used for each screengrab to answer that.

    Just so we’re absolutely clear, can you tell us the exact shortcode you used for Screenshot 1 and for Screenshot 2?

    Please share those with us via our contact form.


    That way we can get more details using a more private channel.


    Thread Starter SoloAnt


    Hi @mlchaves, I just sent the email.

    Thanks, see ya over there.

    Plugin Support mark l chaves


    This thread is being resolved in our support ticket system.

    The current fix is to use wrap the [tribe_events_list] shortcode with Content Control’s shortcode. The [tribe_events_list] shortcode is available in The Events Calendar Pro.

    For example:

    [content_control logged_out="0" message="Testing: You don’t have access to this."][tribe_events_list][/content_control]

    Note: If copying and pasting any shortcode doesn’t work, always try replacing any quote marks copied over with new quote marks from your page editor.

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