• I’ve finally found a Theme I like – The Erudite 2.02 – but one small problem – I am not keen on the fact that at the beginning of each paragraph, the first character is enlargened and placed in a dark box to highlight it – I would like to get rid of this and just have normal text – is there a simple way to achive this – i do not know much about HTML editing, but I can often manage to acheive some of the changes I want to make by just deleting likely looking lines, so if anyone could point me in the right direction, much appreciated.

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  • I’m sorry you’ve found me rude. I’ll bow out of the topic to avoid further conflict.


    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Thanks. But I cant find anything called the-erudite-2.0 directory. All I can find is a directory called the-erudite which then has a subdirectory css which has a file in it called erudite.css, which (unlike the one directly accessible through WordPress) does have the HTML code you referred to earlier. I have edited that and FTP’d it, but it doesn’t seem to change the way the web page looks.

    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    And when I say I can’t find it I am actually looking at the program files on the server now, rather than what is directly available through the wordpress interface.

    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Chris –

    The best way to avoid conflict is to reflect very honestly about the underlying sentiment of dialogue such as:

    “And where did you find that one? Is it where I suggested you look (in your theme’s directory)?

    (say, did you notice that file you found mentions the theme’s CSS directory? Going out on a limb here, but maybe you should look there next!)”

    Just mull over it until you become more conscious of the faint undertones of John Cleese and Manuel, and the offense that is likely to cause.

    It might be no surprise to you that the actual program files in need of editing were not the ones directly available through the WordPress interface, but not to me.

    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Freepss. I’ve got it working now. Thanks.

    “Your highness, when I said that you are like a stream of bat’s piss, I only mean that you shine out like a shaft of gold when all around it is dark”

    “Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Know what I mean?”

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