• I’ve finally found a Theme I like – The Erudite 2.02 – but one small problem – I am not keen on the fact that at the beginning of each paragraph, the first character is enlargened and placed in a dark box to highlight it – I would like to get rid of this and just have normal text – is there a simple way to achive this – i do not know much about HTML editing, but I can often manage to acheive some of the changes I want to make by just deleting likely looking lines, so if anyone could point me in the right direction, much appreciated.

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  • Edit or Delete (css/erudite.css)

    .entry-content p:first-child {text-indent:0;}
    body.single .entry-content > p:first-child:first-letter, .first-post .entry-content > p:first-child:first-letter {font-size:4.5em; line-height:.65em;}
    .entry-content > p:first-child:first-letter {font-size:3em; float:left; background:#555 url(../images/stripes.png) repeat; color:#fff; margin:.05em .1em 0 0; padding:.1em; line-height:.7em;}


    .dark .entry-content > p:first-child:first-letter {
    	border:1px solid #444;

    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Thanks. just what I was looking for.

    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    apart from i cant find a file with that code in it.

    Try the .css file in your theme’s directory (wp-content/themes/YourThemesName)

    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Thanks. But, the only .css file I can find has this in it:

    /* File here for WP identification purposes only. This CSS file is not loaded by the theme at all. See css directory for theme CSS */.

    If there is some other css drectory, I’m not sure how to get to it.

    And where did you find that one? Is it where I suggested you look (in your theme’s directory)?

    (say, did you notice that file you found mentions the theme’s CSS directory? Going out on a limb here, but maybe you should look there next!)

    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    I found it amongst the list of files that appear when you click on Appearence and then Editor. There is one css file in that list. I’m not sure if that is the Theme directory or whether I sould be looking in some other place.

    I’d fire up FTP and go have a look directly. Might help you get a better feel for what’s out in that Theme’s directory.

    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    I dont know what FTP is

    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Or alternatively, perhaps I should be looking for anther WordPress theme that doesnt have any daft features that need editing out. All I want is a one column theme that just allows for text, a list of Pages (the main ones not the sub ones), there must be one out there surely ? I dont really want the Blog format, just a simple website format. The only reason for my using WordPress is the availability of a Plug in to create a Membership site (which is what I want to do). But the lack of suitable templates is a real pain.

    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Or altrnatively not using WordPress at all.

    FTP is not specific to WordPress. If you type it into your search engine of choice you’ll learn more about it. We have a little bit of info here for you as well: FTP_Clients.

    Regarding your last two posts here:

    1. If you’re looking for a simpler theme, you might start a new topic.
    2. If you don’t want to use WordPress you certainly don’t have to. We’re not going to force you and you haven’t paid anything for it. ??
    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    Re your last point:

    No – but I have paid for plug in’s designed for use with word press, and for a linked hosting package, both of which WordPress presumably have some coomercial interest in. And even if it is free, it doesnt justify rudeness.

    There is obviously some thing odd about the css file that is included in the css directory for that Erudite theme (in that its not actually loaded by the Theme) and its not obvious where to find the actual css file that is loaded by the Theme

    Thread Starter sequenceblogger


    I finally found out how to do FTP although the files were already in my hosts web server. Anyway I found the actual css file, and found the suggested rouge lines, edited them as suggested by freecss (just deleted them using Notepad and re-saved to the server), but when I go back to WordPress, as run from that server, the problem seems to have remained. Not sure if there is anything else I should have done.

    you must edit erudite.css file in yourthemedirectory/css. i have edited for you, download them to the-erudite-2.0 directory with ftp.
    excuse me, my english not good, i cant help more.

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