• Resolved cloudmerchant


    Hi there,

    I am trying to future-proof a site I’ve built using your glorious plugin. I’ve run into a problem with “The Content” module; once added to the page, it disappears, and requires you to hover around in the row to find it. When I click on the gear to edit, it does not give me the option to select what content I want to add. In fact, the only option I have on the functionality tab is to determine whether I want the section to appear on Desktop, Tablet, or Phone.

    I’ve tried it on both Chrome and the latest version of Firefox. The results are the same.

    Any advice or suggestions would be great. I appreciate it – thank you!


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  • Plugin Author LiveComposer



    “The Content” module displays the regular content of the page ( the main text editor in the admin ). I assume the page you’re adding it on does not have any content at the moment.

    The module you are looking for ( to add text/content from within the front end editor itself ) is “Text” module.

    However “The Content” module should have displayed placeholder text when the page does not have content, I just tested on my installation and the placeholder text did not show up, I’ll get that sorted out.


    Thread Starter cloudmerchant


    That does indeed work. It would be amazing to be able to import text from other pages, or by using Advanced Custom Fields, or something similar.

    I’m just worried about the plugin being removed and everything getting lost.

    I’ve been working with Live Composer for four days straight, and this is my only concern so far. Great plugin.

    Plugin Author LiveComposer


    Just to make sure I understood correctly, the ability to output the content ( main WP content editor of a post/page ) into another post/page, correct?

    Thread Starter cloudmerchant


    Yes, if possible. The idea being that the content is saved outside of the plugin, so if the theme is changed, or the plugin removed/disabled, the site doesn’t totally disappear.

    Plugin Author LiveComposer


    Ahh, that’s a different thing, I thought you meant the “Content” module outputting content from a different page.

    But what you mean is for the content generated by LC to work when LC is disabled/removed. But as with all plugins, the plugin needs to be active in order to do it’s thing.


    Plugin Author LiveComposer


    Marking as resolved.

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