Home / Your WordPress / The Canine Directory
15 years, 2 months ago
Check it out if you have some time:
Please feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think. Thanks! -Luke
whoops…the link is
Page source does not look at all like a WordPress site.
@lokrin2000 – View the source, it is definitely WP ??
I didn’t see any wordpress in the page source as well.
No wordpress, theme, version or any keywords highly associated with a wordpress site present.
I’m all for learning new things so please, Chris, tell me where you see in the code that it’s a wordpress site.
Ps. the site looks good Luke!
Ah. I checked link in first post, not the one in second… is WP.
Opps that would be where I made the mistake. Yes, the first one is definitely wordpress :P.
Hey Chris, you would you mind giving me your thought on my site?
Here is the thread on wp here that I just made.
Ok, that link does goes to a wordpress site.
first link you provided, looked at it, definitely not WordPress.
<meta name=”generator” content=”PHP Link Directory 4.0.0″ />
Also, your site is really slow, you should look at caching.
second link, yes, just be more clear next time so you’re not just spamming links.