the call returns this error
good morning,
we installed the plugin but my app developer fails to connect. Can you see what’s wrong, or to give us some guidance to understand how to solve?I paste below describing the problem (sorry if some phrases in Italian)
Quando dall’app invio il token del device per il salvataggio tramite questo plugin, la chiamata restituisce questo errore:
Forbidden: You don’t have permission to access /wp-json/apnwp/register on this server.
La pagina che vado a chiamare è<device_token>, come indicato nelle seguenti istruzioni (
> To send a push notification to a device, we must know its token (or Device ID) which has to be provided by the app through this API. This API allows client device to register itself to Push Notifications for WordPress so that it can receive future notifications.
> URL structure:
> https://yourwordpresssite/wp-json/apnwp/register
> Method: GET
> Parameters:
> device_token (string): token given by APNs or FCM identifying the device, often called device ID.
> os_type (string): operating system. It must be ios or android (case sensitive).
> user_email_id (string, optional): the user email address which is login from your mobile app.
> Examples:
> https://yourwordpresssite/wp-json/apnwp/register?os_type=android&
> Returns:
> 200: on success.Either user will be add / updated.
> 302: Invalid mandatory parameters passed.
> 500: Internal Server Error , on missing mandatory parameters, unknown operating system, or general failure.Altre info al link
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