Thanks @parhamm, I am very grateful to be the beneficiary of your diligent research.
The “plugin no longer supported” problem is a serious issue! Probably good to discovered that fairly early, yes? (And once again, I benefit from your experience.) I was thinking already that Ari Soft looks strong on this issue (at least for now) as they appear to be in the business of creating and selling WordPress plugins, which hopefully means we can expect years of diligent updates.
I spent some time trying to put together a feature request for their developers, good idea. They already have a number of “predefined variables” exposed to the user in Settings > Sharing, it appears, which for example allows you to echo a specific personality score within that personality’s description, so it seems like they should be able to handle the multi-dimensionality of including personality names and scores in social or email in some elegant way (like {{score.1}}, {{score.2}} or {{personality.score(1)}}, {{}} or some such).
Meanwhile an Ari Stream competitor, Interact, provides a Mailchimp quiz integration example here: . The problem I see for more than 2 personalities is that there will be an arbitrary number of MERGE fields that have to be configured on both sides for personality names / scores, then associated within the Ari Stream UI somehow. Doesn’t look like a quick job!
Happy trails,
– b