• The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below. Restore the backup.

    I’m getting this all the time now. I use Chrome mostly, but I’ve seen it in Safari but not Firefox.

    Anyone else getting this? Sure is annoying that my WP Page Updates don’t seem to be clearing the browser cache.

    I’ve tested with ALL plugins deactivated but makes no difference.

    I’ve searched google and the only thing that comes up is from years ago and it was considered a core bug, from what I understand.

    Comments? Suggestions?

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  • PPNSteve


    I’m on 4.4.2 now and am seeing this (and the dreaded connection lost error too) more and more often then not.
    I wish I could tell ya what’s wrong but I’m just as stumped as you are..

    I’m on WordPress 4.5.2 and also experiencing this message. It only happens on some pages that I edit and update.

    This is strange.

    The only way to make this message go away is to edit the main content in the post…maybe add a few dots, update post…..and then remove the dots.

    Same problem here. it always happens when updating an entry. WP 4.5.2 installed. I Think it’s related to W3 Total Cache plugin.

    What’s exactly the problem?

    This message drives me crazy. It comes up every time I edit a product on my WP / Woocommerce site and press “Update”.

    If I change and updated the product then of course “The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below.”

    Way to state the obvious WordPress and make it look like I’ve made a mistake.

    There is one benefit though – products, unlike pages and posts, don’t have a revision list available so this is quick access to a previous draft.

    Would be nice to be able to turn it off however

    WordPress 4.5.2 / Woocommerce 2.2.8

    I have the same problem, WordPress version 4.5.3., WooCommerce version 2.6.2.

    It’s getting pretty annoying.

    Not sure if this helps but on my site, I solved the problem by deactivating the “Woo Set Price Note” plugin.

    WordPress version 4.5.3., WooCommerce version 2.6.2.

    since there are so many WP/WC techs rushing to help us with this… (why am I surprised???)

    thanks for this – at least it tells us that perhaps it’s a plugin.

    better than the techies will tell us.

    Same issue, but don’t have that plugin sadly.

    Same issue, do not have any of the plugins mentioned above…..
    Posting my own issue about this…..

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by ironfish2.

    I had a
    at the very end of the page, right after a table.
    I deleted it and the issue went away.

    Same issue! Strnage!

    Also seeing this a lot lately


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