Yes, your site is very very slow.. and although I am on dial up, it is extremely slow even for dial up. I would definitely look into that
By everyones post I was expecting a pepto-bismol looking site and rather disappointed that it wasnt as pink as I was thinking it was going to be. Yes, I am a girl, and yes pink rocks (Still trying to convince my husband that our mustang would look sweet if it were hot bubblegum pink with black and white pinstripping, but he thinks I’m nuts :/ )
Anyway, I would try blending colors a little more. Although, colors dont have too much, just seems there is too much of it. There are 3 shades of pink, a blue and a teal which the teal doesnt compliment the blue and then it makes the pink look off…I dont know..
And about the Mona Lisa pic, it should be one week after in LA, not the US. LA is silicone capital.. and I am not talking computers. ?? Still a funny pic though