• I’m having trouble postioning the footer. I’m not sure if my CSS positioning is kinda jacked (as I am new at this), but if I move the div tag below the sidebar in html page, the foot appears really close to the top of the page.

    I have a test page to work on before I build the template files. Would someone be able to take a look and let me know what’s going on?

    html: https://www.jump-punch.com/NewDesign/beta.html
    css: https://www.jump-punch.com/NewDesign/style.css

    PS – This doesn’t work too well in IE
    PSS – Don’t mind the image

    Again, I appreciate any helop you all can provide. Thanks!

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  • would the footer need to come after the side menu?
    ‘<!– End Sidebar –>
    <div id=”footer”><!– Begin Footer –>
    Behold My Crappy Footer!
    </div> <!– End Footer –>’

    Okay, first I’d need to see your “concept” version, a graphic (probably) that shows what you want to see when it’s a “done deal”. Right now, in FF deerpark beta 1, I don’t see anything in the footer except your “this is my…” statement, and at 1024×768 it’s in the lower left quarter of the page, but at higher resolutions the whole page is wonky. If you want screenies, let me know, I’ll try to look back tomorrow.

    Otherwise, that’s an absolutely FAB theme, original, unusual, different, forward-thinking, forward-century; and the only way that image could possibly be better and more fun would be if “you” had thrown a pie at “you”….

    Rock on, that’s the best thing I’ve seen in the 10 months I’ve been messing with WP!

    Thread Starter jaredcunha


    Actually, I just want the footer to be at the bottom of the page no matter what. Sometimes the posts will be longer. Sometimes the sidebar will be longer.

    When I put the div under the sidebar, it appears behind the image.

    You might want to google for “faux columns”. That setup uses a small colored graphic to “pretend” that certain areas (columns) of a layout are full-height no matter which area is the longest.

    Thread Starter jaredcunha


    Thanks! I used a “faux column” for my background image. It’s just getting the footer to stay at the bottom, whether the post or the sidebar is longer. I’m just kinda confused about css positioning.

    Thread Starter jaredcunha


    BTW: I would have used a pie, but I would have felt bad if any did not get consumed. The whipped cream splatters everywhere anyway.

    Thread Starter jaredcunha


    Still having a bit of trouble here. Is there anyone that can help me with the CSS?

    html: https://www.jump-punch.com/NewDesign/beta.html
    css: https://www.jump-punch.com/NewDesign/style.css

    PS – This doesn’t work too well in IE

    Jared, look at/download the themes at https://kickasswebdesign.com/wordpress/ – kickass (bjnovack) uses clean css and faux columns for her themes (free), you can take a look at them and extrapolate for yours….

    Thread Starter jaredcunha


    Thanks vkaryl, that site seems to have some good reading too. Got a fix working at the moment for the footer. As long as the sidebar isn’t obscenely longer than the posting (which i can’t see ever being the case), it will display correctly. Thanks for your help!

    Yeah, nobody’s better at guiding you through css than bj…. post a link to her, okay?

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