• Hi

    Firts of all I just want to thank You so much because my site is before and after Plugin Organizer. I have a lot, I mean A LOT of plugins in my site and some of them just useful for a few pages and your plugin let me do this in best posible way.

    After saying this and after more than a year of use it in my sites, I found it would be very useful (as mobile agentes, thanks) to load plugins if logeed in or if logged out.

    This would improve a lot my sites and I think many more sites that uses PO.

    Thanks for your time and effort!


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  • Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    That is a great idea. I’m working on a new version that will let you use groups to disable/enable plugins. I think I’ll try to implement that feature with the new version.

    Thread Starter Andres Felipe


    Thanks a lot! This is the best WP performance plugin!

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    No wait I tried that once before and ran into the same problems as trying to use postmeta to store the settings. The user isn’t loaded until long after plugin organizer needs to run. I can’t tell if the user is logged in or not until wordpress is loaded and plugins can’t be disabled once it is so this is not possible.

    Thread Starter Andres Felipe


    Mmm I understand, thanks for considering it. No matter this, I insist This is the best WP performance plugin!



    Why not hook into the login action and set a session variable so you know if a user is logged in. You could kill it when a user logs out… Just an idea but I’m no expert.



    I would be looking for a logged in / logged out trigger as well. As per my understanding with your explanation it looks like a tricky thing to achieve but that would be fantastic if we can find some sort of workaround.

    Thread Starter Andres Felipe


    Hi, I have another improve suggestion, and please tell me if I should open a new topic.

    Could it be possible in Plugin filters to add a dynamic URL? I mean, I use BuddyPress and I want to deactivate a plugin but the problem is the URL looks like this:


    Where %%username%% changes for every loggedin user.

    Thanks for considering it!



    This is already a work in progress Andres ??

    Thread Starter Andres Felipe


    :O excellent! Thanks for the info thisisbbc!



    You’re most welcome!

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    I’ve run into a problem with using dynamic URL’s. After I ran into it I remembered this is one of the reasons that dynamic URL’s are not possible. When the page is loaded and the MU plugin is called it uses the URL of the page being accessed to search the tables for a match. If I have a URL that is https://www.yoursite.com/some/post/as/example/ how would I make a query that will find https://www.yoursite.com/*/post/as/example/? I could search for every possible combination of wildcards that could be put into the URL but that would more than likely crash the database. The URL you add to the permalink field is not the search criteria. The URL being accessed is. If it were the other way around dynamic URL’s in the permalink field would be an option. Right now I don’t see any way to do dynamic URL’s. If someone wants to take the code and make some changes to get dynamic URL’s to work I’m more than happy to have a look.



    Hey Jeff,

    That’s quite a bummer, I was desperately waiting for this feature to come out. I sent you a message through your website.

    Looking forward to hear back from you.


    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    It’s not about motivation. It’s that the functionality is not possible to accomplish. Not in any way I can see. If someone else has any ideas I’m open to suggestions.



    The URL you add to the permalink field is not the search criteria. The URL being accessed is. If it were the other way around dynamic URL’s in the permalink field would be an option.

    Is this just an extrapolation of your current logic or that would actually be a possible, codable logic?

    If someone else has any ideas I’m open to suggestions.

    Suggestion #1 : Use Buddypress tables?

    I’m far from being an expert developer but wouldn’t it be possible to grab the username somewhere? Here’s the flow I’ve “imagined” :

    1- Page is accessed, PO looks for a rule matching accessed URL
    2- No rule matching for accessed URL, but…
    3- 3 “dynamic” rules exist
    4- 1 “dynamic” rule match accessed URL, but one slug

    Example :
    Accessed URL : https://www.mywebsite.com/members/johndoe/activity

    Dynamic rules :

    Matched dynamic rule :

    5- PO looks for “johndoe” in Buddypress
    6- If Buddypress table contain entry for username “johndoe”, PO consider the dynamic rule as an acceptable match for the accessed URL.
    7- Possible step to make other queries faster by storing the username index somewhere?

    Suggestion #2 : Use specific permalinks structure?

    Buddypress allows us to have root profile (yourwebsite.com/johndoe), so this solution wouldn’t work if someone enabled this feature.

    We would find a field in PO settings to give information about our buddypress profiles slug (i.e : members). This slug will always be find right after the website (i.e : yourwebsite.com/members/).

    The username is always right after the profiles slug (i.e : yourwebsite.com/members/johndoe).

    The goal would be to disregard the username (second slug after the website root) for permalinks that match the “members” slug criteria.

    We would find a checkbox on the filter rule page “This is a member page”. If checked, the URL could be “yourwebsite.com/members/johndoe/cart” and still match URLs like “yourwebsite.com/members/michaelj/cart”

    I had another idea but just lost it explaining these first two… Will get back at you if I remember.


    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    This plugin cant use most of the wordpress functionality that buddypress can. PO is loaded before wordpress so things like users and posts don’t even exist at that point. It can only use the most basic functions of wordpress like the wpdb object. You are asking for a very custom solution to be added into a plugin that many people use on websites with very different configurations. Most of them don’t use buddypress.

    To give a better perspective here is an example sql query that is done on the table to retrieve the rows associated with the url being accessed.

    SELECT * FROM wp_PO_plugins WHERE permalink = ‘https://www.yoursite.com/some/page/’ AND status = ‘publish’ AND secure = 0

    What you are suggesting is taking the permalink that is in the plugin filter and use that as a wildcard search. That won’t work. How do I get the permalink field from the plugin filter to search with? All I have access to is the url that is being accessed which does not come from wordpress. I can’t even call get_posts at this point because wordpress has not been loaded yet. I could retrieve all of the plugin filters from the wp_PO_plugins database table and try to match each one individually but that is going to slow things down considerably.

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