• Resolved mairaj


    Thank you very much for adding ‘Value Range Search’ feature. I have been requesting this feature and I am grateful that you have added this.

    However this seems to not recognising deminal value fields. I have a field where my users provide their height in the form shown below


    and so on. The new feature is not listing the height field and the only reason I could guess is because the values are in desimals.

    Can you kindly help please?
    Thank you very much


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  • Plugin Author Andrea Tarantini


    Hi Mairaj,

    All the textbox type fields are candidates for the value range search. Is your height field a textbox?

    Thread Starter mairaj


    Hello Andrea,

    Sorry I didn’t realise that the new feature works with a text box only. I’m using ‘Drop down select Box’ with predefined values from 5.0 to 6.6 ordered as follows :


    A text box allows user to fill in characters other than numerical ones. Eg; a user may fil in 6.0 ft OR 6.1 inches Or 6’1″ or may be something else. With those inputs will the ‘Value Range’ feature work properly?

    Also, if I now change the drop down field to a text box, do all the members have to refill their height field?

    Thanks and regards

    Plugin Author Andrea Tarantini


    Hello Mairaj,

    I’ve added the selectbox type fields as candidates for the value range search in the new 3.4.1 version. Please try it!

    Thread Starter mairaj


    Hello again Andrea,

    There is some problem still. The search result is returnig the first provided value only. It is compleyely ignoring the second value. Can you kindly have a look? Following is the link to my website :


    I want to inform you that the feature works fine if I set it up for an another field called ‘weight’. This field is a text box where users provide their weight, this is even working for desimal values nicely.

    A user has provided his weight as ‘99.8’, when I did a test search for people with weight between 80 and 100 kg it covered and listed the user with ‘99.8’ value.

    It seems that the feature can only be applied for one field. I cannot use it for height and weight both.

    Thank you very much for your time and support provided.

    Plugin Author Andrea Tarantini


    Hi Mairaj,

    Sorry, my last commit was incomplete, but it should work now.

    And yes, the feature can be applied to one field only. I am thinking about a different admin interface to remove this limitation.

    Thread Starter mairaj


    Hi Andrea,

    Do you mean you are further updating? 3.4.2? I have not received an update.


    Plugin Author Andrea Tarantini


    Try deleting the plugin and then reinstalling it. I completed the commit, but didn’t bump the version number yet.

    Thread Starter mairaj


    No, not working yet. I have deleted and reinstalled the plugin as suggested.

    Test searches brought results as follows :

    • when I do a search between 5.4 and 5.10 it returnes only profiles with ‘5.0’
    • 6.1 to 6.4 returnes profiles only with 6.0
    • If I serach between 5.5 to 6.1 it returns profiles from 5.0 to 6.6 (highest value)
    Plugin Author Andrea Tarantini



    I’ve just realized that this feature won’t work well for you, because it handles numeric values and, for instance, the number 5.1 is the same as 5.10 while in your notation they represent different heights. You should replace 5.1 with 5.01 to make it possibly work.

    That said, if you are still interested in fixing the feature I’ll need to debug it on your test site. You could send a WP admin and an FTP access to my address [email protected]

    Thread Starter mairaj


    Hi Andrea,

    I could send you login details of my production site immediately. However if you want a test site, I will create one in a couple of days with similar settings and send the details asap.

    Thank you very much.

    Hello Can u guide me to set value range Search ?I have birth-date and I want to give age range .How to do that?

    Please reply.

    Thread Starter mairaj


    Hello Andrea,

    I have changed feet to centimeters and the Value Range is now working nicely. However I have a couple of concerns.

    1. My users choose their height from drop down list (predefined values). why a user has to manually type the values while searching , why can’t they have two drop down lists to choose minimum and maximum height?

    2. Just like height I want to set value range for weight, how can I use multiple value range fields?

    Thank you very much ??

    Plugin Author Andrea Tarantini


    Hello Mairaj,

    The current plugin version can’t display drop down lists for value range searches, and it’s limited to one value range search.

    Anyway, you suggestions are good and could be added in a future version. Thanks!

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