• Okay, after much text-widget-disappearing after upgrading to 2.5, here’s what seems to be happening. When I have two text widgets in a row, when I go to edit the second one and save, it completely wipes the first one. If I go back and fix the first one, it wipes the second one. In essence, I have to have an empty text widget in between two populated text widgets in order to get them to keep their text.

    Is anyone else having this issue? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, because I think I’m going to have to figure out how to roll back to 2.3.3 if I don’t get this working properly.


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  • Since widgets do work for many, have you thought about reinstalling?

    Yes, but I haven’t heard that they work for many. I understand all works well for you? If you add the RSS widget and want to change it, do you get the whole ‘edit screen’ and if you add another text widget it’s just a fresh and new one and not a copy of another text widget?

    Thanks for your answer, I only want to know if it’s my installation or something else.

    All I have installed work for me (I have not installed or used all).

    When I add the RSS widget, I “add” it. Then before I do anything, I “save changes” – while I don’t have to do this to all widgets, txt and rss seem to require this step for me.

    When I edit RSS, I get a edit screen just for RSS.

    I just added 5 text widgets. After each add I had to save changes. Otherwise when I click on edit they disappear. All were fresh and not a copy. My already installed widgets were not changed.

    What I meant by the work for many is here we only see folks for whom they don’t work. Usually people with no problems don’t post here.

    What I meant by the work for many is here we only see folks for whom they don’t work. Usually people with no problems don’t post here.

    That’s a fact, but for those who are struggling with something, it would be nice if a person like yourself confirms that things do work. I suppose I’ll have a look in the ‘widget part’ of 2.5 and upload the files again to see if that helps.
    Thanks for the answers!

    Hahaha, that’s funny. I add a text widget which appears to be a copy of an existing text widget, it becomes a ‘fresh one’. Good! I hadn’t thought of saving first. BUT, the edit screen still falls away under the column left of the ‘editing space’ (so it’s under the description of the unused widgets), so I can’t see the ‘change’ or ‘remove’ buttons. A step forward though. I’ll try another Browser when I’m at home, because also in 2.3.3 IE has some strange widget things.

    I have the same problem as the first poster on this thread.
    Coincidentally, like Quinze, I am also running the Get Recent Comments plugin.
    Reading through the many threads on 2.5’s widgets section, it seems like an urgent fix is needed for these problems.

    This morning my widgets.php screen is blank, showing no widgets available and no widgets current.
    Also my dashboard is showing no widgets whatsoever.
    I’m beginning to lose faith in 2.5.

    I completely overcame all my problems with the widgets page John.
    I reuploaded all the widget files, just to be sure they were correct on my server and that helped. Then there is this problem in IE7 (edit fields show only half) that can be easily corrected. The problem with widgets that can be changed is just a matter of “add” then first “save changes” and then “change” the widget and “save changes” again. Widgets that suddenly become empty proved with me another IE problem, but it was solved when I uploaded those few widget php and css files again. It is said to help if you asign names to widgets (and/or put a non-text widget between the text widgets) when changing one, clears the rest, but I haven’t had that problem myself.
    In any case, it is not a 2.5 bug or anything, since it works well me me eventually. In my case I should have deleted all files in the admin and config folders before upgrading (no overwriting).

    This is a known bug; a fix recently landed in the source tree and is scheduled for the 2.5.1 release in about 3 weeks. If you want it in the meantime, get the changes here.

    So far, it seems to have mostly fixed the problem — I think it may still be a bit flaky, but I don’t have time at the moment to test thoroughly. It’s definitely stable enough for me to use; before the patch, my widgets were getting emptied any time I made a change in any of them.

    hi odinprotectsus, thanks, the 2.5.1 release update solved it. thanks

    I’ll wait for 2.5.1. But it’s good to know it’s coming.

    thank you!, yey to 2.5.1!

    Thanks odinprotectsus!! My sister was pissed that I’d updated her site when her widgets started emptying themselves when she’d make changes!

    My fingers are crossed that this fix will be the answer to getting her calm again!

    -Add TEXT
    -Edit Text

    these steps seem to work and not make the TEXT bar to dissapear

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