Text to audio
Many thanks for the nice well-documented code / plugin
But it does not work as intended with the following browsers:
Google Chrome
Mobile browser:
FirefoxI have not tested with Mac and Iphones?
From java debugger:
Uncaught ReferenceError: webkitSpeechRecognition is not defined
<anonymous> https://wp-speech.azizulhasan.com/wp-content/plugins/text-to-audio/admin/js/text-to-audio.js?ver=1.0.1:16Uncaught TypeError: can not access property “stop”, recognition is undefined
listenCotentInFrontend https://wp-speech.azizulhasan.com/wp-content/plugins/text-to-audio/admin/js/text-to-audio.js?ver=1.0.1:460
onclick https://wp-speech.azizulhasan.com/text-to-audio/:411
EventHandlerNonNull * https://wp-speech.azizulhasan.com/text-to-audio/:409After updating to ver. 1.0.1 it is no longer possible to select the same language -> Voice to speak = Voice Language. (It worked in version 1.0.0)
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