I will provide an input box for the custom image url in the next update…in the meantime you can overwrite the image that is in the wp-contents/plugins/tab-slide/images/ directory . it will be plus.png or plus-light.png depending on which template you have chosen.
I will look into the tab text issue, but here’s a couple quickfix workarounds to display the tab text title until I resolve this in the next update
1. you can switch to CSS Only mode and click edit css to adjust all the settings manually … I will switch to saving these css settings to the database instead of a file, so the future updates will not overwrite these when upgrading
2. you can click the “edit css” and try modifying this
.tab_title_wrap.close_letter_reset {
.tab_title_wrap.open_letter_reset {
play with these until you center the title