• A client of mine is seeing what I’ve found to be “text-enhance links” (https://text-enhance.com/) on the WordPress site I’m currently building for him. I suspect it may have something to do with the plugins he has installed in Firefox, but wanted to check it’s not a known issue? There’s nothing in the template, and he said he can only see them in Firefox. Despite what the text enhance website says, I haven’t initiated or activated these links during the development of his site.

    Any thoughts?

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  • Unless you provide a link to a page demonstrating the problem, no one will be able to offer much in the way of assistance.

    Hello, we apologize that you are having trouble with the TextEnhance product. If you are seeing these links, then a web publisher has decided to offer them to you. If you would like to opt-out of seeing these links, visit: https://optout.textsrv.com/optout.php

    For FAQs and additional help on removing Text Enhance, please visit https://support.text-enhance.com

    Hey textenhance, I just saw these links on my website and I’m *positive* I didn’t enable them myself. Everything I read online says that the publisher has to enable them, which I did not.

    Are you sure there isn’t some other way these links find their way onto sites? Perhaps something more nefarious? Or is it a browser thing?



    clarklab – Same with me. I’ actually pretty damn about this. Seems like a cool service… only if it’s wanted. I didn’t invite this system to hijack my website like this.

    TEXTENHANCE – The question is, am I seeing these text enhance links on my website because cookies on MY computer are changing the way it looks ONLY to me?
    is this an edit to the site’s presentation itself, thus meaning ALL visitors to the site can these links?

    Please explain how it works as fully as possible, as I’d hate to later find that the opt-out link only applies to me, allowing everyone else to see this stuff.



    Do you guys think there is any plugin that will disable the text enhance link even though I am hosting my site on GoDaddy, HostGator etc..?

    I really need this solution.. Thanks Guys!

    I have opted out of text enhance on three different occasions and it keeps coming back. How can I get this out of my blog as I don’t want people linking out of my site?

    I am having the same problem on my site:


    How do I remove these. There are very inappropriate for my site.

    scandalous! if I wanted Adds on my site, they should pay ME! I am having this text enhance since today, bugging my visitors with ‘how to earn money fast’ I did not ask for this. I pay for my webserver, so it’s no ones business to put this misleading adv. on my site. There must be something we can do, besides changing the cookies. Hope a solution comes soon!

    Hope to hear more from you.

    If this isn’t coming from a plugin or your theme, I suggest you take it up with your hosts. It’s nothing to do with WordPress directly.

    I got called by a frequent (web)visitor telling my about these inappropriate advertisings on the website and I saw them as well, that was typical, but I Just found the anwser, it comes from plugins (probably Vuze) installed in your browser (chrome/ FF)! don’t do the out option text enhance suggest, this just changes visibility in your cookies.
    Do this: Check your browser plug ins and remove unwanted plugings, like ‘Vuze’!

    It ofcourse has nothing to do with wordpress, but since there was a topic here about it, I reacted.

    hope this helps you all.

    I have found out how to remove it… I think! (seems to be working so far) I found this info on a website. I believe it is for a PC, however I have a mac. Same applies only the plug in I trashed was called Codex-M. Here’s what I found:

    What is Text Enhance, how did it get in to my web browser and how can I remove it from my browser?

    What is it:
    Advertising spam brought to you by a company called Text Enhance in partnership with Vuze bittorrent software.

    How did it get on my browser:
    You installed a bittorrent program called Vuze and in doing so, also installed a toolbar plug-in for Firefox/Mozilla.

    How can I remove it:
    This is a very simple fix. All you have to do is remove the Vuze plug-in from within your Firefox browser. You DO NOT have to remove Vuze from your computer. You DO NOT need to uninstall software! Simply open up your Firefox browser and select ‘Tools’ from along the top menu. Then go down to ‘Add-ons’. Then select ‘Plug-ins’ and locate the plug-in labeled ‘VUZE’ and select remove. Restart Firefox and you will never see those annoying ‘green words again’.

    The web address is:

    Good luck getting rid of this rubbish!

    Oh… I also deleted all cookies.

    MikeDiesel12 blog post is great.

    Seen this on two of my sites today and thought I had been hacked until I checked the sites from a different browser.

    Follow his tips as they work perfectly!

    I don’t mean to burst anyone’s bubble but the above recommendations may work for some but not for all. First off, text enhance is not a browser jacker. It would show up on any content site you have on the same computer and browser you first noticed it on.

    I have a few WP sites with older versions installed using the same computers and browsers and text enhance doesn’t show up. Only in the the newest version of WP do I notice it showing up.

    If it were truly hijacking your browser, it wouldn’t matter what site you were on, it would show up. In my case, the only time it shows up anywhere is when I am on the newest WP site I installed. Something like this is what caused a huge uproar in the web community when Microsoft decided to write code into IE that pretty much equated to what was called “visitor poaching”. A visitor comes to your site and you lose them to a paying Microsoft customer. Appears to be something similar going on here.


    Thanks Mike for “your opinion”. It is not mis-imformation. I tested it several times and whoever classified it as a browser hijacker OBVIOUSLY doesn’t know what one is. If one has their browser hijacked it would affect “every” site they use the browser for and not just ONE third party script. Every time they call their browser up, it will load. It will affect everything not just one site they load.

    Again I state that I have several versions of WP off of the same server and using the same browsers. FF on my Win machine and Google Chrome on my Linux box and the only time the iFrame injection shows up is with the “latest” version of the WP theme. All of my other WP versions don’t call it up “using the same browsers.” So where is the hijack???

    Did you read that? Same browsers, same machines, different WP sites and the injection doesn’t execute. If my browsers were hijacked it would execute each and every time I call them up on all sites because hijackers are local side exploits not server side. So please don’t spread MIS-Information about Browser Hijackers.

    If anyone is experiencing this issue, install the plug-in Exploit Scanner and it will take you right to the line of code plus show you any injections on your posts. I already have done it and the issue is resolved.

    By the way MikeDiesel12, I am curious to know who does the site botcrawl.com belong to? Seems to be loaded with lots of 3 party AV scripts outside of WP.

    Kudos to the coders of the Exploit Scanner Plug-in!


    Hi All,

    I have encountered a problem with text-enhance highlighted links appearing on my blog. On September 9 or 10 I updated to wordpress version 3.4.2. I posted an entry on September 11 in which selected keywords are associated with this text-enhance service/adware. I tried creating additional new entries – all of them exhibit this text-enhancement. As a control, I edited an earlier post to include words that are selected for text-enhancement in my current blog entry. Curiously, these edited entries do not seem to activate text-enhance. I have tried to use the Exploit Scanner plugin to search my code for some sort of gateway to text-enhance, but the output generates hundreds of false-positives.

    For reference, my site is:



    I’d appreciate hearing from any of you with trouble-shooting tips, and will thank you in advance for same.



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