• I have a blog where if i make long sentences, the text will get chopped off.


    This is a long sentence.

    will appear as:

    This is a lon

    Sometimes parts of the next letter are visible – suggesting an overflow:hidden type of problem.

    I fix it by copying the text into notepad, then back into the wordPress post window.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks a lot ??

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  • Are pre-writing the posts in a word processor program such as Microsoft Word?

    Did you install a WYSIWYG plugin. That may be causing trouble?

    How original is your WordPress install?

    Have you made a lot of modifications to your install?

    How long has this problem been going on?

    If you have made recent changes to your WordPress install, try tracing back your steps.

    And most importantly: show us an example post (i.e. LINK!)

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