It looks like there may be an issue with the formatting in David’s response so I just wanted to reformat it so that you enter the correct CSS. It should be:
To center both the Author Icon and Text in the Feed Header
This is not possible in the header without setting a fixed width on the feed. Set a width of 50% on the header and then you can center both by adding the following to the plugin’s Custom CSS section located by going to your WordPress Dashboard – Facebook Feed – Customize – Misc (tabbed page) – Custom CSS section:
#cff .cff-header{ width: 50%; margin: 0 auto; float: none; }
To center the Author Icon and Hide the Text in a Feed Header
Enter this custom CSS to the plugin’s settings:
#cff .cff-header .fa{ float: none }
#cff .cff-header span{ display: none; }
To hide the Author Icon and center the Text in a Feed Header
Enter this custom CSS to the plugin’s settings:
#cff .cff-header .fa{ display: none; }
#cff .cff-header span{ display: block; }
If that doesn’t achieve what you want then if you send us a link then we can provide CSS specifically for your site/feed, as every feed is displayed differently depending on the CSS of your theme.