• Resolved Flawless Websites


    I have a CF7 form (see the code below). I cannot get past testing Step 1 in the Zap setup. The “Send a request to the URL below so we can pull it in as a sample to set up your zap.” keeps spinning and does not finish. This means I cannot see and map all my fields in Zap creation Step 2, where I Create A Ticket (for HubSpot). Help!

    === CF7 Form Code ===

    <p>[text first-name placeholder "First Name"]</p>

    <p>[text last-name placeholder "Last Name"]</p>

    <p>[email* email placeholder “Email (Required)”]</p>

    <p>[mask* fw-support-form-phone “(___) ___-____”]</p>

    <p>[text* ticket-name placeholder “Issue Name/Title”]</p>

    <p>[select* priority include_blank “Low” “Medium” “High”]</p>

    <p><label>Reason for contacting us:<span style=”color: red;”>*</span></label><br>
    [checkbox* checkbox-reasons use_label_element “Somethings not working.” “I have a question.” “Other”]
    [group not-working]
    <label>What’s not working?</label>
    [checkbox not-working use_label_element exclusive “Can’t access the site.” “A feature is not working.” “A purchase transaction failed.” “Other”]

    <p><label>Describe The Issue:<br>
    [textarea* ticket-description placeholder “Describe your issue. Provide details like the text in any error messages.”]</label></p>

    [hidden utm_campaign default:get]
    [hidden source “Form”]
    [hidden ticket-status “New”]
    [hidden ticket-category “Product issue”]

    [honeypot honeypot-2019]
    [submit “SUBMIT” html_id=”fwbutton”]

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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