Testing 3DS failed redirect
I’m running some tests in test mode and everything seems to be working fine until I get to the 3DS portion, when I try a card (e.g. 4000002760003184) it pops the test 3DS screen, I click continue and it looks as though it fails to redirect to the summary page, *stripped and replaced with hidden* https://hidden.local/?wc-ajax=wc_stripe_verify_intent&order=hidden&nonce=hidden&redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fhidden.local%2Fsummary%2Forder-received%2Fhidden%2F%3Fkey%3Dwc_order_hidden
On the screen there are some details about the order, but for the most part it’s just protected arrays
When I refresh the page or click on the link, it takes me to the order summary page as normal.
Any other card type seems to work fine.
*edit* – this seems to happen to all card types
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