Hello there,
4 testimonial items with scrolling
Try to use single “Sydney FP: Testimonials” widget. In the field that says “Number of testimonials to show”, put -1. Then do the following:
1. Open the js/main.js in your code editor, then copy the whole content of it; then paste it into js/main.min.js. So it will be more readable
2. Find the following code:
var testimonialCarousel = function(){
if ( $().owlCarousel ) {
navigation : false,
pagination: true,
responsive: true,
items: 1,
itemsDesktop: [3000,1],
itemsDesktopSmall: [1400,1],
itemsTabletSmall: [600,1],
itemsMobile: [360,1],
touchDrag: true,
mouseDrag: true,
autoHeight: true,
autoPlay: $('.roll-testimonials').data('autoplay')
3. Change the items option’s value into 4. So it will look like the following:
var testimonialCarousel = function(){
if ( $().owlCarousel ) {
navigation : false,
pagination: true,
responsive: true,
items: 4,
itemsDesktop: [3000,1],
itemsDesktopSmall: [1400,1],
itemsTabletSmall: [600,1],
itemsMobile: [360,1],
touchDrag: true,
mouseDrag: true,
autoHeight: true,
autoPlay: $('.roll-testimonials').data('autoplay')
4. You might want to minify this JS file here
5. Save changes. Then update it via FTP or cPanel
You would need to clear your browser’s cache before reloading your site.
Scrolling clients
Apologies, this feature isn’t supported by the theme’s core at the moment.