• I use testimonial on my homepage. I use a cache app and that’s why the testimonial is not varying (rand function). When I try to call the shortcode via ajax, the plugin returns an empty space.

    The code:
    if (shortcode_exists(‘tptpro’)) {
    echo ‘Shortcode exists. ‘;
    $shortcode_output = do_shortcode(‘[tptpro id=”27100″]’);
    if ($shortcode_output) {
    echo ‘Shortcode Output: ‘ . $shortcode_output;
    } else {
    echo ‘The shortcode did not return any content.’;

    The code returns ‘Shortcode exists’ but [tptpro id=”27100″] does not return anything, only when it is not being called by ajax

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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