• Resolved dirkse


    Hi, I am testing the plugin with the latest RC of Woocommerce and my theme and get the following when I try to submit a test payment:

    {“result”:”failure”,”messages”:” \n\t\t\t Sorry, your session has expired.

    The orders seem to succeed, both on stripe side and in woocommerce, the error message (and the fact that I get logged out) is the only issue.

    Also, I have tried as a gues/guest creating an account and the same issue happens.



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  • It’s line 169 in class.authorizenetextension.php in the Authorize.net plugin if you bought it from codecanyon. I’m not sure about the official Woocommerce extension.

    The problem is with below deprecated option in WooCommerce version 2.1:


    Above needs to be replaced with the following, where $this is an instance of WC_Order class:


    wolnik, I wish I could like your post 100 times.

    Holy crow, this just saved my day. God bless you wolnik! I second dustjackettech’s 100 likes.

    So I’m battling with the same problem.
    I tried replacing:
    This: get_permalink(get_option(‘woocommerce_thanks_page_id’))
    with this: $this->get_return_url($this->order)
    However this created fatal plugin error.

    public function set_main_form_data($order_id, $order) {
    $this->payment_form_data[“PSPID”] = $this->pspid;
    $this->payment_form_data[“ORDERID”] = $order_id;
    $this->payment_form_data[“AMOUNT”] = $order->order_total * 100;
    $this->payment_form_data[“CURRENCY”] = get_option(“woocommerce_currency”);
    $this->payment_form_data[“LANGUAGE”] = “en_US”;
    $this->payment_form_data[“ACCEPTURL”] = add_query_arg(“key”, $order->order_key, add_query_arg(“order”, $order_id, get_permalink(get_option(“woocommerce_thanks_page_id”))));
    $this->payment_form_data[“DECLINEURL”] = $order->get_cancel_order_url();

    Good day

    I am having the same issue, however we use beanstream for our payment gateway. Can anyone provide information on how to update this?

    Thank you


    If you require assistance then, as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic instead of tagging onto someone else’s topic.

    I am now closing this 3 month old, resolved, topic as it references an older version of WordPress..

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  • The topic ‘Test Mode, Orders Succeed but Failure Message: Your Session has Expired’ is closed to new replies.