• Hello to everybody !

    Is there any website to test my knowledges about WordPress with tests and exercises ?

    I am searching for that

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  • I hate to say it… but have you tried an internet search?

    www.remarpro.com does not provide any such testing service and there isn’t any “official” certification if that’s what you’re looking for.

    WordPress, as an open source software and community, tries not to create barriers to entry or create special status for users. It tries to be inviting and let anyone and everyone productively participate as they are able.

    Thread Starter Mago7891


    Of course I have tried but I have found something like this: https://wpbrainery.com/wordpress-quizes/wordpress-quiz-for-beginners/

    I have thought you know something better and more in depth.

    Unfortunately I’m not familiar with any testing services for WordPress knowledge. That’s not to say they don’t exist but that I don’t know about them! Maybe someone else in these forums can chime in with some ideas or links. Good luck with your search!

    Thread Starter Mago7891


    Thank you

    Check out the WordPress Stack Exchange site. Looks through questions that have answers and understand how things are working. That’ll give you some insight into real world problems.

    The best place of all though is the Developer Documentation site. You’ll find everything you need to know about WordPress under the hood. You should hopefully find some interesting bits there.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    Do you want a test or do you want to learn stuff? Because the true test of the latter is building something. Build a plugin or create a theme based on https://underscores.me.

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