• i tried everything you wrote in the FAQ
    and im still not sure what my problem is, one day its just stopped rotating
    the only thing that looks weird to me in my code is this:

    <script type='text/javascript' src='//www.sitename.com/wp-content/plugins/testimonials-widget/includes/libraries/bxslider-4/jquery.bxslider.js?ver=4.1.2'></script>

    (i removed the site name. ignore that.) the problem is i don’t have a – http in the beginning of the address
    all the other script src do start with a- https://

    could this be it?
    i just don’t know where and how to change this!

    also you wrote in the FAQ to-
    ” Remove the jQuery version included by your theme “
    not sure if i have it double but if i wanted to remove just to check, how do i do that?


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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Cannon


    The // is a good thing. It means the file is carried over http or https without throwing any errors. Even Google.com does this.

    Did you try resetting your options per the FAQ?

    I am having the same problem. In the past, resetting resolved, but not this not, no longer rotating


    The faqs are a bit complex. Please see what you can find


    Plugin Contributor Michael Cannon


    @pwizard, In just popping open the Inspect Element Console, there’s JavaScript issues galore. I strongly suggest disabling Cloudflare and then working through disabling plugins one at a time to find the conflict and where the JavaScript issues are coming from.

    Mike, I think I figured it out. It is AUTOPTIMIZE (a caching plugin) that is causing the errors.

    Autoptimize improves page speed, but I don’t want do disable it. However, it has a script ignore setting, but I don’t know what to put.

    for example:
    It shows these are not optimized:


    then is explains:

    A comma-seperated list of scripts you want to exclude from being optimized, for example ‘whatever.js, another.js’ (without the quotes) to exclude those scripts from being aggregated and minimized by Autoptimize.

    So what do you think I should add to that list for your widget?

    thanks again

    Plugin Contributor Michael Cannon


    Try… jquery.bxslider.js,jquery.bxslider.min.js,jquery.easing.1.3.js,jquery.fitvids.js

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