You forgot to mention the following aspects:
1. You have sent a total of 9 emails in the span of 5 days.
– Zero of these emails contained any form of “Hello / Hi / Good Day”.
– Zero of these emails contained any form of “Thank you”.
2. You also forgot to mention the part where you directly attacked me and said that I’m a bad husband to my wife and that I treat her badly.
As a husband and father of two, I thought it is best not to take away time from my family to provide immediate assistance during the night to a rude person like you.
P.S. If your “professional website builder” can’t figure out how to add a standard widget to a sidebar – well, no comments there.
Stay woke!
]]>Good day to you!
]]>Well, OK, let me review the timestamps of our communication.
1. First email received on 13th of June at 23:57.
I responded on 14th of June at: 07:45 (sorry for having to sleep at night).
2. Second email received on June 14th at 15:20.
I responded on 14th of June at: 16:23 (63 minutes later).
3. Third email received on June 14th at 16:35.
I responded on 14th of June at: 16:56 (21 minutes later).
4. Fourth email was not a theme related question, it wasn’t even a question, so I did not respond. It was about the exact same thing that I already responded about in 2nd and 3rd emails.
5. Fifth email received on June 16th at 00:07 (Saturday).
Responded on 16th of June at: 07:53 (Saturday morning).
6. Sixth email received on June 16th at 15:30 (SATURDAY).
As this was your sixth email without any kind of courtesy (and containing a single sentence – 8 words).
I decided that this one-way relationship has to stop, so I did not respond.
7. Seventh email received on June 18th at 15:37 (Monday).
In this email you asked for a phone number to call, because you “cant seem to get consistent assistance”. It did not bother you that it was the weekend.
I responded on 18th of June at 16:10 (33 minutes later).
In this email I’ve included this sentence, obviously hinting once more that you are talking to a real person, not a robot:
“Sure, if you would like you can have my home number and just call me in the evening, after I put my wife and children to bed.“.
8. Eighth email received on June 18th at 16:13.
In this email you simply said that it would be great to have a chat.
A socially conscious person would have reacted with a simple: “Oh no, calling you at home at night would be crazy!” Of course there was no such reaction. Actually there was absolutely no reaction to my obvious hint.
I responded on 18th of June at 17:24 (71 minutes later, making it my 6th response).
In my response I summarized our communication and have explained that you are using a free product, manifest zero courtesy towards the developer of the product, but expect to be invited in their home.
8. Ninth email received on June 18th at 18:22.
In this email you complained about:
– The “worst customer service”
– That I take “forever to answer”
– That I am “not helpful at all”
– That “Good customer service goes a long way”
And you concluded the email with: “Have a great night putting your wife to bed. You speak of her as if she is a child. What a wonderful husband you must be.”
As I said before, you have been nothing but rude and expected an unreasonable level of “customer service”, ignoring the fact that you are using a 100% free product.
You have implied that I’m a bad husband, completely disregarding any social, family or health-related reasons as to why I would like to spend time with my wife before switching off. Well, I guess you are that type of person (you describe yourself as “woke”).
I dislike being silly and washing dirty laundry in public, but I’m also not going to sit idly when I’m insulted both privately and publicly.
I wish you all the best and I hope that you find a theme that will work better for you.
Best regards,
Dumitru B.
(Even if you respond to this, I will not engage in this any more).
]]>You took more time to prove me wrong than to actually solve the problem. Had you been this attentive initially, we would not be at this place.
Anyhoo, it’s the weekend and I am about to enjoy it!