• This plugin does not work at all. I tried it once, then deactivated and deleted it.

    Later on, I decided to give it another shot. Somehow, even though I had cleared the WP cache and dropped any and all parts of the database, it remembered the podcast. So, I couldn’t import the episodes, because this stupid plugin said they already existed.

    There’s no way for me to delete the podcast and start over.

    Huge waste of time.

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  • Plugin Support Mike Dell


    PowerPress stores information about your podcast in the WordPress database for your site.

    BUT, the reason it won’t import is because there are already posts with the same title as the podcast episodes you are trying to import.

    To get around this, you can delete the posts that match your episode titles Or slightly change the ones either in your feed that is imported or on the site and try import again.

    Thread Starter iamklove


    Thanks for the reply, Mike. I had to start with a fresh database. The import worked.

    However, even though it successfully imported, the episodes don’t display at /podcast. That page shows an XML file instead. Very strange.

    Plugin Support Dave Clements


    PowerPress automatically reserves the /podcast slug so we always recommend using a different slug for your podcast landing page, like /episodes or /show. We have more details in our documentation here: https://blubrry.com/support/powerpress-documentation/disabling-powerpress/

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