• Resolved yezzz


    With the new inline thickbox url I thought I’d rewrite my resize script. However I noticed the thickbox now ignores width/height values. I guess you didn’t see it when you made the changes. Can you confirm and see if there’s a fix for this. Otherwise I’ll write something to set the styles directly.

    As for more safety it takes less than 1 minute to make the form inaccessible without url parameters by putting this at the top of the form template:

    <?php if(!count($_GET)) {
    echo 'You cannot access this form directly';
    // regular template below this line


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  • Thread Starter yezzz


    It’s also great for adding custom content, like an ad, SEO content, or an image gallery ?? For those who like to try the above. The last line should be html comments
    <!-- regular template below this line-->

    An even safer approach would be to show the form only when image parameter is set in the url, but I’m not sure it has other implications

    <?php if( !isset($_GET['image']) ){
    echo 'You cannot access this form directly';
    <!-- regular template below this line -->

    Of course baddies can still get to the form if they follow a link from image galleries that have been setup for ecard use.

    Sorry to be off-topic, but it was the improved thickbox security that started this ??

    Plugin Author tuxlog


    The external thickbox had to include wp-config.php which is not allowed by the wordpress guys, so I put it inline. And of course this means you can not change the thickbox parameters from the outside. I have had a discussion with Mika (core developer) and the result was:

    Including wp-config.php, wp-blog-header.php, wp-load.php, or pretty much any other WordPress core file that you have to call directly via an include is not a good idea and we cannot approve a plugin that does so unless it has a very good reason to load the file(s). It is prone to failure since not all WordPress installs have the exact same file structure.

    Well, I can understand what Mika said. There are several reasons not including wp-config.php directly: security, performance (the whole WP stuff gets loaded twice). may produce side effects, which are difficult to track down.

    But you can do the following:
    – Edit wpg-form.php and change width and height for the thickbox link directly into the code
    – You have to replace the ? before width with a & (I will do this for the next release)

    Thread Starter yezzz


    Ok, thanks for the background info. So, then here’s my new resize script for use with v4.8. Hardcoded the url again to keep it simple.

    Instructions for users:
    Place the script in your wp-greet-form-template.php file
    Use with wp-greet 4.8 and later.
    Adjust the 4 var values to your liking. The tosReduce… values make the box smaller, like margins. The tosMax… values set maximum dimensions: 600 = wp-greet default.

    /* wp-greet v4.8+  Terms of Use autoresize Thickbox */
    var tosMaxWidth=600;
    var tosMaxHeight=600;
    var tosReduceWidth=50;
    var tosReduceHeight=50;
    function resizeTos() {
    var tosWidth = window.innerWidth-tosReduceWidth;
    if (tosWidth > tosMaxWidth) {
    var tosHeight = window.innerHeight-tosReduceHeight;
    if (tosHeight > tosMaxHeight) {
    jQuery(".wp-greet-form .thickbox").attr("href", "#TB_inline&width=" + tosWidth + "&height=" + tosHeight + "&inlineId=wpg-tou" );
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