Hello @rodricus,
I have reproduced the problem. It appears to occur only when you try to add changes to the website from the remote. As far as I can tell, you have not configured the webhook.
Could you follow these steps and configure the web book to automatically deploy these changes to your website without the need to click on the save button?
Webook configuration:
Gitium uses the webhook to automatically deploy remote changes to your server. To configure it follow these steps:
- Go to your WordPress website and go to your Gitium Settings page;
- Copy the full Webhook URL that Gitium provides;
- In your Git Manager settings, go to Webhook section, add a new webhook and paste the webhook URL you have copied from Gitium.
- Press Add, no settings changes needed. The webook simply needs a ping, nothing more. The security key is already embedded in the final URL Gitium has generated for you.
Now when you push to your repo, this webhook will automatically pull the changes to your remote server and deploy them.
I’ll also look for a fix for this case when the webhook isn’t configured. Here is the problematic code:
gitium_enable_maintenance_mode() or wp_die( __( 'Could not enable the maintenance mode!', 'gitium' ) );
$commitmsg = sprintf( __( 'Merged changes from %s on %s', 'gitium' ), get_site_url(), date( 'm.d.Y' ) );
if ( isset( $gitium_commit_msg ) && ! empty( $gitium_commit_msg ) ) {
$commitmsg = $gitium_commit_msg;
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$commit = $this->git->commit( $commitmsg, $current_user->display_name, $current_user->user_email );
if ( ! $commit ) {
$this->redirect( __( 'Could not commit!', 'gitium' ) );
Your branch is behind \'origin/master\' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded.
(use "git pull" to update your local branch)
nothing to commit, working tree clean'/n/n
Commit failed.
According to the above message, the code fails and does not reach the end of the code to disable maintenance.