Template update to show the match correctly
Hello folks.
It’s been some time now that I’ve been using this plugin and I found it interesting.
However, there’s some improvement to be done.
Here’s my first one:
– The matches usually are better looking when 2 teams face each other. And that means that Team A facing Team B. So, I guess (just my opinion) that the Team members should be presented like:
Team Member A Name (Photo Team Member A) VS (Photo Team Member B) Team Member B NameTo get this showing correctly, I went like this:
On file cyberpress/assets/css/style.min.css:
– Add to the key .cyberpress-match
--cbp-match--participant-players-img__margin-left: .8em;
– Add to the key cyberpress-match .cyberpress-match-participant-players-player>img
margin-left: var(--cbp-match--participant-players-img__margin-left);
On file cyberpress/templates/matches/single-parts:
– On line 56, change this:
<h3><?php echo esc_html__( 'Players:', 'cyberpress' ); ?></h3>
to this:
<h3 style="float: right; clear: both;"><?php echo esc_html__( 'Players:', 'cyberpress' ); ?></h3>
– On line 59, change this:
to this:
<li style="float: right; clear: both;">
– On lines 61 and 62, change this:`
<?php echo wp_kses( $player->get_thumbnail( 'thumbnail' ), cyberpress()->get_kses_allowed_img() ); ?> <span><?php echo esc_html( $player->get_title() ); ?></span>
to this:
<span><?php echo esc_html( $player->get_title() ); ?></span> <?php echo wp_kses( $player->get_thumbnail( 'thumbnail' ), cyberpress()->get_kses_allowed_img() ); ?>
On line 120, change this:
<ul class="cyberpress-match-info">
to this:
<ul class="cyberpress-match-info" style="text-align: center;">
It should do the trick for a better presentation
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