• Resolved teddy75


    I would like to publish my new website and update the elementor sections later.
    As a elementor template, is it possible to find a way to update the template and see results on all page using this template ?
    It will be more convenient to produce all modifications I will need on the page already published.

    I already tried to do this but it looks not work.

    Can someone help me ?


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  • diab64


    I am having the same problem. I think it is supposed to update automatically, but after several edits and times trying it, it never has updated automatically. I have to delete the section and re-insert it via the template library after every change to the template.

    I don’t know if there is some setting I am missing or what because I have seen another user saying it updates automatically for them just fine.

    Lisa R


    Hey @teddy75,
    This is possible! It’s a feature called “embed anywhere” and is available in our PRO version.

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