• Hi,

    Just a tiny question. I have read a lot of time the read me text and I have understand how to tweak the template.
    But just on question : where to add the functions ? is it in a function.php in a amp folder ? In the function.php of my main theme ?
    please tell me ??


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  • Thread Starter CAMEO172


    please, tell me more about the tweak !
    I don’t want to make my own template but with the good method (and not loose it each time their is an update)

    I’m curious as well. Maybe we missed some directions somewhere along the lines?

    If you have a custom theme or your own child theme, then yes, they can go in functions.php. (If your theme is from the Theme Directory or one that has updates, you don’t want to do this since you will lose the changes if you update the themes.)

    Alternatively, you can add them to mu-plugins or your own custom plugin.

    Thread Starter CAMEO172


    Thanks for your answer..this is strange cause I have for example some functions for W3total cache that are not active in AMP theme…

    byt the way, can we imagine that the functionn will be in a particular file (in a /amp folder for example), on order to separate functions from the regular theme from functions for AMP theme ?

    Yes, can we make a ../[theme-folder]/amp/functions.php file? this doesn’t seem to work without further customization… or how do you recommend we create functions that only affect AMP pages? can we use is_amp_endpoint ? if so, how?

    Hi, CAMEO172, it sounds like you’re trying to do the same thing: figure out how to separate regular theme functions from functions used on AMP pages.

    It sounds like you figured out how to remove unwanted functions with remove_all_filters( ‘the_content’ ); or remove_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘FUNCTION_NAME’ ); but then how do we unhook functions ONLY for AMP pages, yeah? I have the same question.

    I’d prefer to check if the page being viewed is AMP, then remove (unhook) or add (hook) the functions as needed. However is_amp_endpoint is not working for me.

    For example, in my ../amp/single.php it seems no matter how I use it with conditional logic, I get the result ‘undefined variable’ . is_amp_endpoint is not set…

    if (isset($is_amp_endpoint )) {echo "is AMP";} else {echo 'isnt AMP';}

    I get ‘isnt amp’… though the plugin is indeed installed and even serving up the ../url/amp version of the page in question

    What is the proper way to check if a page is AMP or not? Seems like I’m missing something…

    Alternative solution–

    Though it would be best to check if a page is AMP or not, I suppose we could use something like https://github.com/scottsweb/mobble/blob/master/mobble.php to check if a mobile device is being used, and hook or unhook functions for AMP pages based on the plugin’s is_mobile function.

    such as

    if(function_exists('is_mobile')){ if(is_mobile){ //do AMP functions }}

    Obviously this is not optimal, as many sites already have mobile-specific themes/pages separate from AMP…

    Thread Starter CAMEO172



    I really want to tweak the template but for now this is urgent to wait a final version. This is not hurry as AMP page works but yes, I think we need a particular functions.php ou some hook in order to prepare our own single and post template specially for AMP.

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