Hey @randomdev77
Thanks for contacting support.
If you are using category specific feed templates in your listing profiles currently, you will need to use the “Add a product” option on your Amazon account in the top menu to create your own custom feed templates which you can then download and upload to WP-Lister (in the right hand sidebar of the “Categories” setting page of WP-Lister) to use. We have supported uploading custom Amazon feed templates to WP-Lister since version: 0.9.14: Changelog
Or you can update your current category specific feed templates on the “Categories” page of WP-Lister’s settings which will have WP-Lister download the appropriate “fptcustom” feed templates for those category specific feed templates you are using which you then can assign those new template versions to your listing profiles that are currently using a category specific feed template. Note, you need to be on version 0.9.19 for this to work properly, and secondly, you may need to include more details with the new feed templates, for example, the “Home” US category never required a value for the “Feed product type” field before, but with these new custom feed templates they require a field for that. So if you change to these new templates and they fail, be sure to check over the errors as they are requiring some additional details now.
In regards to the error you are receiving in the feed, please provide us with the feed URL via a ticket as explained here: There were some errors when processing my feed. Can you help me fix them?
Kind regards