There’s always a lot of opinions get banded around when it comes to Infosec, I’m a full-time Infosec bod and retired Developer, so I totally get what others have told you and I really can’t disagree with the worst case scenario’s you have highlighted to you.
Infosec done well is a balancing act though – otherwise you risk jeopardising the very outcomes that you are trying to protect.
Just some counter-points that you may or may not want to consider;
True CSRF and XSS are an existential risk, although if an Admin gets hacked or tricked into carrying out tasks there’s a myriad of ways it becomes bad news. Sanitising some of the admin input fields in EME would (IMHO) do nothing to save the day. They could inject rogue code into the HTML fields in the EME database bypassing sanitisation, they could inject through one of the fields that doesn’t have sanitisation, they could add their own javascript to one of the theme files, they could download the database, they could hook into the RSVP feature with a PHP hook, the list goes on.
Initially when I read your comment about the sanitisation for admin posts I was quite surprised, I don’t use posts so I wasn’t familiar with that. Thinking about it a bit more though, posts are short excerpts of (mostly) readonly repeating text blocks that go inside an established page/UI/theme. Because of that, limiting the use of tags to ensure the integrity of the theme/UI makes a lot of sense – you wouldn’t want a single post refining the CSS for every post on the page. On the other hand, the custom templates feature in EME is there (as I understand it) to build a full page/UI (or HTML email), in which case a richer set of tags and controls could reasonably be required.
I just thought it might be useful to put the alternative viewpoint forward, security is rarely black-and-white, context and informed risk judgement are everything. It’s your plugin and I’m certainly not going to push the issue, you will never please everyone! You build this for the good of the community and I (as well as a lot of others) are eternally grateful.