• Resolved escribbles



    I am using the pro version and when I create a new template and select posts nothing loads or shows in the template dropdown. Also when the plugin is active it breaks my posts where I can’t edit them by adding media or embeds.

    I have deactivated and activated the plugin, also uninstalled and reinstalled and I still get the same thing.

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  • Hi.

    Looks like some javascript troubles, or sever sent unexpected response.
    Can you send screenshot (or link to the text file) with response in Console?

    Go to MPG Dashboard, then right-click in any place of the page, then “Inspect element” and go to “Console” tab (if you’re using Chrome, but if don’t, in other browsers flow is similar) and reload the page.
    You should see something like a https://prnt.sc/10zzs86

    Also, will be nice, if you can enable debug mode in WordPress and send debug.log file
    Or, you can look at the debug file yourself, probably the reason for the error will be indicated there.

    Thread Starter escribbles


    https://prnt.sc/1100elq here is the screenshot of the console

    Ok, as you can see in a firsts rows, the server respond with status-code 500.

    Go to Network tab (instead of Console), and find here request with status code 500 (most probably, marked red), make click to this request, and go to sub-tab “Preview”, like this: https://prnt.sc/1100nq7

    Thread Starter escribbles


    Not that request.

    You need to open Developer tools (inspect element), then reload the page, and go to Network and find there request with 500 error status.


    Thread Starter escribbles


    Add this lines to wp-config.php in a root folder,

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true );
    define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true );
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );

    then reload MPG page and send screenshot of latest lines from /wp-content/debug.log

    Thread Starter escribbles


    This is the answer I got backed from my managed wordpress host:

    I have checked once again searching for issues in the logs related to the MPG plugin specifically. I have been able to trace down the following for it in the logs:

    [30-Mar-2021 17:51:33 UTC] WordPress database error Duplicate column name ‘apply_condition’ for query ALTER TABLE wp_3qgra8_mpg_projects ADD apply_condition varchar(200) default null AF
    TER url_mode made by activate_plugin, do_action(‘activate_multi-pages-plugin-premium/porthas-multi-pages-generator.php’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, MPG_Helper::mpg_activa
    tion_events, MPG_ProjectModel::mpg_create_database_tables

    From what I am seeing, it is trying to do an activation, by attempting to create columns in the database tables which already exist in the database. The function doing it seems to be “MPG_Helper::mpg_activation_events, MPG_ProjectModel::mpg_create_database_tables” from the “activate_multi-pages-plugin-premium” plugin. I am not sure if it is a good option to drop the table and retry the activation all over again (it has the potential to lose historical data). I am also not sure, why it tries to activate itself all over again.

    Yes, this can happen when you activate the plugin. If the database does not contain the required columns for the current version, they will be created, if the column exists, it will not be created again.
    But this entry in the log may be outdated, and not appear at the moment of opening the project page in the MPG.

    Could you look at the log file right after you open the project page?

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