• Hi,
    I know diddly squat about how to fix a template issue and I am hoping that someone can point me in the right direction about how to fix (what appears to be) a small issue.

    Take a look at this site I am working on. You will see that the recent blog posts are “over running” the box”. I have uploaded another zip file of this template (fromm a differnet source)thinking that there must have been a file discrepancy, but it hasn’t fixed it.

    It’s supposed to look like this.

    Can anyone help me get this straightened out?

    Muchas gracias,


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  • It’s doing that because your titles are longer than in the demo, so are taking up 2 lines.

    Look in your index.php for a line that looks like this:

    <?php wp_get_archives('title_li=&type=postbypost&limit=5'); ?>

    It won’t look exactly the same, so look for something containing wp_get_archives or limit=5. Change the limit to 3 and you should be good to go.

    It looks like this question has been logged in the wrong place.

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