More data::
foreach($lead_ids as $lead_id) {
$lead = RGFormsModel::get_lead($lead_id);
do_action("gform_print_entry_header", $form, $lead);
$form_data = GFPDFEntryDetail::lead_detail_grid_array($form, $lead);
* Add &data=1 when viewing the PDF via the admin area to view the $form_data array
/** Uncomment the following line when figuring out how to access the $form_data array */
// print_r($form_data); exit();
/* get all the form values */
$date_created = $form_data['date_created'];
$grupo = $form_data['field']['30.Cat']['auto_grupo'];
$no_auto =$form_data['field']['21.No. de Competencia']['no_comp'];
$evento =$form_data['field']['4.Evento']['post_title'];
and then… i put the echo
and just getting the firs letter