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  • Sushubh


    if u have not tempered with the index.php file.
    all u need is to download the file from alex server.
    uncompress it.
    rename the css file to the original WP CSS file name.
    upload the content to the wordpress folder…

    Thread Starter kdaniele


    That is what I did. This is what I got. I did not change the CSS file at all.



    site is working. just a bit alignment of the content…
    perhaps u can try another CSS to test it…

    Thread Starter kdaniele


    Ok, I changed it back to the original because the Dark File one was not showing right. The alignment was way off and the text styles were completely different form the sample. After chaniging it back everything is pretty much ok. SO, I am thinking the the CSS template is wacky (alignment)
    I don’t know…



    I would be willing to help you directly if you wish. You can post back here or send me an email — craig at nuclearmoose dot com.



    The quality of those stylesheets varies a lot. I kind of think it should be up to the authors to provide support for them if needed. It seems wrong that they should just submit stuff that doesn’t work in all browsers or resolutions and then people come here wanting it fixed. I wouldn’t presume to tell Alex what he should have on his site, but I hope that if any stylesheets are ported over here there will be some kind of quality control.



    A bit of advice, make your own. Even if you like one try to make it your self. You will like it more and be prouder if you make it rather then just upload a few files. Thats the cheaters way.

    Thread Starter kdaniele


    Thank you I will email you. Marzar, I don’t really care about making my own CSS. I am more concerned with the content than the design (that is where my being proud comes in). The templates are there for people who don’t want to make their own… If you can’t help, don’t post criticism or negativity.
    Thanks to every one else who replied helpfully.


    It is by no means clear whether the css kindly offered by Alex is compliant with css 1/2/3; a point I have made before. Darkfire; which I have downloaded and read contains a div height declaration, which is unsupported by many browsers. Hence kdaniele’s problem and hence difficulty in other people seeing it. In my limited experience there are real issues around browser compliance and css and if posts are to be meaningful both ways we would need a lot more preamble from posters and answers about the specification the said blog is said to be meeting. FWIHS the index file has not been fiddled with. Consequently assertions that “any template will work with the default set up” need to be qualified with the words “if you have the right browser to see it”. *lest* they be misconstrued.I can only say simply that css validation does not equal *good* or accessible design. TY Sir William Gates. I have n’t got the hang of posting urls here and I dont want to blow mysql up but Kristina you
    might want to visit www. to see how people who do know what the heck they are talking about do it. I am not *that *anon but I have been following the css imbroglio here with interest. HTH ?? Love to all. ps. Backspace doesnt work.

    Thread Starter kdaniele


    Thank you everyone. I am working on fixing/customizing the Dark Fire CSS so that I can use it. Hopefully it will work. What I don’t understand is why CSS works on some browsers and not on others….
    Thanks Again,

    Thread Starter kdaniele


    Ok, I have a question. If I create a CSS file, does my Index.php file have to include everything that is in the Word Press default index.php? I am so lost. I have a css file, and an HTML version of what I want my blog to look like. How do I convert it to PHP and include the necessary code to make the blog work? Craig, ig you are out there, please help. I tried emailing you but it did not work…
    Thanks again,



    Ok, here’s the scoop:
    First, and this is probably just left over from experimenting with the different style sheets, but you’re calling your style sheet twice. The first time is using the @import directive, the second time is using a link. So, delete the second one:
    (note: backup your index.php first, just in case you delete something on accident)
    <link href=”wp-layout.css ” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” />
    (delete this line from index.php)
    Now, go ahead and link to the darkfire css file that you’ve uploaded to your site. For example, you might change the @import from wp-layout.css to darkfire.css (or whatever you called it.)
    <style type=”text/css” media=”screen”>
    @import url(darkfire.css);
    Now, move everything from <div id=”content”> down to the two closing </div> tags, just before <p class=”credit”>, up to near the top, just under the heading. In other words, move the content div up so that it comes before the menu div. This shouldn’t matter, but it does.
    Ok, so now let’s look at the menu div. A small bit of errant code was causing the main problems. Let’s fix those:
    Find the part just after the calendar. Replace everything in-between the closing

    • tag after the calendar, to the opening <li id=”meta”> (In other words, the Webrings and Blogger Directories sections). Put this instead:
      <li id=”webrings”>Webrings

    <li id=”bloggerdirectories”>Blogger Directories

    Ok, that should do it. Everything seems to work, except your second link is really long, so it overflows into the content area. I’m sure that could be fixed, though…



    Yet another anonymous post with plenty of things to say but lacking any real substantial value to the community.
    Nobody here has ever proclaimed to be an expert in CSS. Unlike the recent anonymous posters, real people with real names stick their necks out every time they post. Not because they are looking for fame and fortune or need to inflate their ego, but because they are generous people willing to give of their time and knowledge, regardless of the length and breadth of their experience.
    This last anonymous post brings up some issues that I would like to address, but I will instead use my time to help those who ask for it. I’m frankly tired of chickenshit comments aimed at trying to put people down. It’s beneath contempt, and not worthy of the quality dev team and community that exists here.
    I’m sorry that the email didn’t work, but most of all I’m glad to see that with Tony’s help you got things sorted out. I have been spending a lot of time hanging at Tony’s site, as I have plenty to learn and his sites are one place among many to do just that.



    I hate to say it but Anon is the only person who has acknowledged my point about not all those stylesheets being compatible with all browsers. I know people who are still using a 800×600 res only have themselves to blame if sites look bad on their computer but I find a surprising amount of hostility when I tell them horizontal scrolls are their own fault for not getting a bigger monitor. Again, it’s entirely up to Alex what he chooses to offer on his site but people should know that they still need to learn some CSS even if using a stylesheet by someone else. Even the default stylesheet is buggy in 800×600 – long titles are overlapped by the navbar – so if you download someone else’s CSS, 80-90% of the time you will need to make some changes to it.
    p.s. Anon I really wish you would register. I would love to see your site, sounds like you have a lot to teach us about CSS ??



    Merely stating visible problems does not make one an expert.
    Providing solutions does.
    I could just aswell say “hey look this forum thread does not validate as xhtml 1.1, let’s stop using this forum” in cute language sprinkled with elegantly stated snide remarks, while not providing any hint or help besides “look at the xhtml specs you amateurs”.
    Does that make me sound like an expert?
    Do I suddenly have so much to teach you about well-formed code and browser compatibilty?

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