Template absolute path and migration to other hosting
NGG version
There is a problem that i have spotted few days ago. I am using NGG for long time but not so often.
The problem I want to talk is when You have a working site with lots of posts that have NGG gallerys included and You move site to other domain/hosting/place. After doing that and repairing database records with new site address You will get “Invalid template…” or similar instead of gallery! I do not know if this will be when You leave default template, but if You set your own template (it is stored in active themes folder “ngallery”).Template I have set in admin panel > Gallery > gallery settings > NextGEN Basic Thumbnails section “Template” field. After doing that I go to my post, add there some gallery and save it. Everything works and i see my template working. Then I moved my site to other server (in my case from localhost to my hosting server). Updated DB with queries that fix old server address to new. The site is working fine, but galleries are not visible only I get “[Invalid template …]” (I do not remember exactly the text now). I started looking what is wrong and found that in selection box near Template I see full path from my localhost (d:\xammp\htdocs\….\mytheme\nggallery\gallery.php). I needed manually change in every post that template option!!! Also in default “Gallery settings
Why the plugin is not using information from WordPress to find the custom template path??? Why it uses absolute paths and saves them somewhere that is not possible to change with simple SQL query?
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