Thank you for sharing the links. To learn why you should more often, see Basically, I now had to spend time pondering the complete etiology of what could be with Telegram and social sharing in general, then conclude I couldn’t imagine one, ask you for a link, wait for the link, and then reread the issue again and go over all the data. I love to help, but not having a link directly feels like I’m wasting time needlessly. Please help us help you ??
Now, I couldn’t find anything from TSF that could cause this issue.
But, the post has invalid HTML. It has elements in <head>
tag that shouldn’t be there, outputted by something called “printfriendly”. Try disabling whatever outputs that and share a new post (Telegram might cache sharing responses, making changes seem ineffective).
Another issue I see is that the site compresses all CSS and puts it at the start of <head>
. <head>
doesn’t need CSS, it doesn’t belong there, and it pushes down all metadata that does belong there and needs to be read for sharing. When the data is pushed down too much (by too much CSS), the data can (and will) be ignored. I recommend outputting CSS right before or right after <body>