Very nice looking site. I like the organization and the theme. However, I do want to mention a few small things. First, your contact page is empty and has no content or a contact form in it, most people don’t like posting there e-mail address so you might consider a contact form. Secondly, (I’m viewing your website in widescreen) it seems that the blue image (located in the background at the top of the page) has very defined edges on the left and right side of the pic. You might want to see if you can soften the edge to fade into black instead of a sudden drop from blue to black (use the same effect on the sides of the image that is applied to the bottom of the image).
Another thing you might want to consider is a favicon (a .ico graphic). It isn’t necessary but kind of like the icing on the cake.
I also agree with @roostertail. Like the site. Good Luck!!