Great, let’s do this then.
“Yes, clubs face:
Ecotenis vs Garden
Single 1:
Ernesto Aválos vs Gaston A?ino (4-6, 4-6)
Single 2:
Pablo Urus vs Javier Masin (4-6, 6-4, 6-2)
Lepera-Avalos vs Pérez-Holman (2-6, 2-6)
Then, in the global club Garden 2 series wins to 1.
I would like the overall result:
Ecotenis 1 vs 2 Garden
and below every result of the series matches”
Ok, inside of SportsPress you’ll add:
Ernesto Aválos vs Gaston A?ino (4-6, 4-6) << player vs player – competition ecotenis-garden
Pablo Urus vs Javier Masin (4-6, 6-4, 6-2) << same, player vs player competition ecotenis-garden
Lepera-Avalos vs Pérez-Holman (2-6, 2-6) << team vs team competition ecotenis-garden
Then you’ll add another event for the entire matchup:
Ecotenis vs Garden < team vs team < 2×1
In the description of that event you can use a shortcode to load these other events by calling the competition.
Is it clearer now?