• Resolved momentumrising



    Let’s say I wanted to create a job posting board. I will have a job posting creation form where there will be such fields as Job Title, Employer, Company Size, Benefits, Salary Range, Location, Industry, etc. Should I create custom taxonomies and attach them to the custom post type of Job Listing? Or would custom fields be more the way to go? For things like Benefits, taxonomies seem the way to go, but for some of the listing properties, I want there to be a limit on the number of options that can be picked simultanaeously for a listing. For example, only one Employer. Is it possible to limit the number of taxonomy entries simultanaeously selectable for one post? If I choose custom fields instead, then for example for Industry, is there a way to prepopulate all the various industries into a dropdown that will be selectable of only those values for the custom field? I plan to use WPForms or similar plugin to have a form whose submission leads to a post creation of this custom post type, and have form fields for each of the listing properties, whether they be taxonomies or custom fields, or something else entirely? What would you recommend?



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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    There’s no one right answer for all of these questions, and I could see some of the data types being great for terms in taxonomies, and others that are best left as custom fields. The rest is going to be dependent on how you set up the form meant to collect the information. There’s not really limits on how many things, both term information and custom fields, at least no limits near where you’d likely be stopping at.

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