• It has been suggested that the competition sort order out of sequence be corrected with a taxonomy plugin.

    We tried and failed with the slug week 1, week 2… thus is was explained to us to change the slug to week1, week2 as the display of the League tables was out of sequence with an irregular display of weeks and not in sequence.

    So,we change the slugs and the League table displayed just fine. But.. now the competitions are out of sequence. This does not make sense that a plugin would require a plugin to get the sequence in an ascending order or descending order. See https://amadordarts.whatshappeningtoday.com/team/bulls-up/

    Is this the way others have been displaying this plugin with competitions too?

    Kind regards,


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  • Roch


    Hi Steve!

    Both are taxonomies so we can’t directly control their display order. Unlike post-type items (events, posts, pages) where we have a publishing date, all a taxonomy has is a slug, id and name.

    So this is a limitation of WP itself unfortunately, and the way to fix it is with a plugin or changing the slugs indeed

    Kind Regards,

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