Taxonomies and XML Output
I’m getting ready to build a RV site that needs to generate an XML output file to go to RVTrader. RVTrader has a specific set of requirements for the XML output. According to them, nobody has built anything using WordPress to work w/ their API. That is what I’m wanting to do.
Looking at the core functionality, it seems that using custom taxonomies to populate the data into the DB would be the easiest for the end user. This would allow a simple match between the tables and the XML entities.
Here’s a sample output of what they need…
<Class>Fifth Wheel</Class>
<DealerIdentifyer>McMahons Colton</DealerIdentifyer>
<Description>2002 FLEETWOOD Sea Breeze 2331 Triple Slide 5th Wheel, Focused on aerodynamic and tasteful design throughout and fashioned with lighter interiors for the fresh look of today,
<EngineMake />
<EngineType />
<Mileage />
<ModelName>Sea Breeze 2331 Triple Slide 5th Wheel</ModelName>
<NumAirConditioners />
<SleepingCapacity />
<Slideouts />
<WaterCapacity />
<MfrSerialNumber />
<ExteriorColor />
<InteriorColor />
<Photo1> </Photo1>
<Photo2> </Photo2>
<Photo3> </Photo3>
<Photo4> </Photo4>
</Inventory>I’m thinking custom taxonomies is the best approach for matching up the data. From there, I can create a custom script to generate the XML output.
My questions are….
Am I on the right track?
Is there something already available that can do something like this?
If not, is there something that might save me some time?
Are there any special considerations I should keep in mind?
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