• Tax on checkout does not display the correct tax. Continues to display ‘includes $0.00 Tax’. Using woocommerce version 2.6.12 wordpress 4.7.1. Reviewed how to setup tax instructions and setup the following:

    Prices Entered with Tax – No, I will enter prices exclusive of tax
    Calculate Tax based on – Shop base address
    Shipping Tax Class – Standard
    Rounding – checked
    Additional Tax Classes – Reduced Rate, Zero Rate
    Display Taxes in the Shop – Excluding tax
    Display prices during cart and checkout – Including tax
    Display Tax Totals – As a single total

    I read the many threads regarding a similar issue. The suggested solution is to add the table wp_wocommerce_tax_rate_locations to the database. This table is already included in my database. I’ve changed the settings many different ways with no resolution. Some users in the threads have stated the issue was resolved, however they were unsure of how it resolved.

    It would be greatly appreciated to hear from anyone that had this issue and knows how to resolve it.

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  • You don’t mention the standard rates table in your settings. Did you enter a line? I would expect the line to be an * in the first 4 columns, then the rate.

    Thread Starter peraltej


    Hi lorro,

    Thanks for responding. I am at my wits ending trying to figure this out.
    I entered the following (see below) in the standard rates table. Also tried placing an * in the Country code and the state code as you recommended, nothing changed. Also checked and unchecked Compound and shipping it still did not change the tax in the cart. Tax remains at $0.00.

    Country Code = US
    State Code = NJ
    ZIP/Postcode = *
    City = *
    Rate % = 6.8750
    Tax Name = Tax
    Priority = 1
    Compound = not checked
    Shipping = not checked

    Open to try any other suggestions.

    Same here…i′m dying, i tried every single thing

    At WooCommerce > Settings > General tab, have you set:
    Base location: United States (US) – New Jersey
    Enable taxes: checked

    On your test product page, Product Data section, General tab, have you set Tax status = Taxable, and Tax Class = Standard.

    Your next debug step is to deactivate all other plugins and switch to the default theme. Does that show taxes?

    Can you post the url to your site please.

    If still not working, please post screenshots of your settings: 1. general tab, 2. tax options tab and 3. standard rates table.

    Thread Starter peraltej


    I reviewed the product page and changed tax status to Taxable. Everything else was the same. Tax remained at $0.00.

    Deactivated all plugins and switched to default theme. The tax did not show.

    Screen shots are included, click below to view.

    General Tab 1

    General Tab 2

    Tax Tab 1

    Tax Tab 2

    Standard Rates table

    Site URL: https://www.monkeybreadlife.com

    I’m wondering if this does not work would there be a function to apply to the tax action.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by peraltej.

    Because you calculate tax based on shop base address, there is no need to geolocate the customer. It doesn’t matter where he lives. Set default customer address to Shop base address.

    The tax rates table relates to where the customer lives. Since everyone pays the same tax in your shop, the tax rates table must be just one line with 4 * and then the tax rate. This catches everyone.

    No function is needed to apply the tax action.

    Thread Starter peraltej


    Tax is now working! Thanks for your assistance.

    Changed the settings as per your recommendations, initially Tax did not appear. I then changed Display Tax total, located on the Tax tab to Itemized. For some odd reason the taxes began to appear itemized. Changed it back to As a single total. The tax amount stuck. Afterwards was able to make additional adjustments such as changing Display Prices During Cart and Checkout to Excluding tax. This displays the tax after the sub-total.

    Once again Thank you, much appreciation for the time you took looking into this issue.

    All the best.

    Below are screenshots of the final settings along with a screenshot of the checkout page.

    General Setting Tab

    Tax Tab

    Standard Option


    Loro, just wanted to say thanks. I had same problem (taxes) and tried everything (changed themes, de-avtivated each plug-in, etc.) and it came down to settings in Woocommerce->Settings->Tax Options, as you described in this blog.

    1. Leave the ZIP Code & City code empty
    2. Follow the country code using this URL, use alpha 2 code ISO standard for country codes
    3. Enter our tax rates in standard, reduced, zero or you can create your own tax class & define your rates
    4. Save the above configurations
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by pavantg.
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